Fan Fridays: Sonic ’06 Remake
Even the most critically-derided Sonic games get some love from the community. There are fans out there who are really passionate about Sonic ’06, and some of them have taken it upon themselves to bring the game to life in a whole new way. Spearheaded by Gistix, a dedicated group of community members, including TiggoRech and itsHelias94, is attempting something incredibly ambitious – rebuilding the game from scratch in the Unity game engine! Art assets and animations are pulled directly from the original game itself, but the underlying Unity-based code is all unique to this project.
Though the project hasn’t seen a public update in a few months, Gistix did post a video of a playable Kingdom Valley, and it’s really impressive how much the fan project looks and feels like the original game; in a few places, it even looks better. You can check out the aforementioned video below, and we thank Sakun for bringing the project to our attention. As always, we’re on the lookout for fan work to spotlight, so if you have a project you want the world to know about, send us a link at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!
LMC Note: The video associated with this post has been removed due to the account being closed.