Fan Fridays: “2DC” Portable Dreamcast
With the Dreamcast’s 20th anniversary just mere days away, we thought it’d only be fitting to commemorate the occasion with this week’s highlight. Here we can find modder GmanModz and his newly built portable Dreamcast. Appropriately named the “2DC,” its shape is based off the Nintendo 2DS and its dual-screen design. In Gman’s video, you can find a detailed description of how the modded system came to be. It’s a worthwhile watch, leaving us to only imagine if such a device were mass-produced today.
You can find more from Gman’s modding endeavors on YouTube, including a portable GameCube, Wii, and PlayStation2. Until next time we’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!