EDITORIAL: What’s with Ozisoft?
After all the success of the Dreamcast launch, you would think that all divisions of Sega Enterprises Ltd. have done everything the right way. It certainly seems like that; the launches are a success, and software is zooming off the shelves. Everywhere, that is, except Australia, where they won’t be getting any DCs until late November.
And who is to blame for this? A division of Sega called Ozisoft. This division of Sega is even worse than SOA circa 1997-1998. The company has made loads of errors, delays, and has basically left the Australian Sega fans in the cold and more or less forcing them to import.
So, you’d think with the Dreamcast launch, they wouldn’t screw up, right? Wrong. Ozisoft has just announced the one month plus delay of the Dreamcast. That’s just plain sad. You think that they at least could have spent a little more time on this no-brainer.
“But Tristan!” you say, “You don’t live in the land down under! You live in Jersey!” And to that I say, I know. But this is completely ridiculous. How could they have messed something that should be flawless?
Ozisoft, it you’re listening, get your act together quickly. Otherwise, no one is going to admire your stupidity and buy in Australia.