EDITORIAL: Sonic Team in 2000
Well, after we get through this Y2K bug, we have to look at where Sonic and the Sonic Team will do in 2000. Now, as I look into my crystal ball, I will try to piece together what the Team might do next year.
First, let’s start off with Chu Chu Rocket, the Sonic Team’s puzzle game. It has been said that CCR will make it to the states next year. I think the US will see it around mid-Spring/early Summer time, as a taste of what the DC Network can do. Europe would probably get it about 1-2 months after the US release. Will it be a big hit in the US and Europe? I feel that CCR will make some sort of positive impact. To what extent, I am not sure.
Now, on to Samba de Amigo…while this IS a Sonic Team game, and it is almost like Parappa the Rapper, I feel that there won’t be much of an audience for it in the States and Europe, but it might do better in Japan. I would not expect the arcade game to make it out of Japan, but a DC conversion is likely in Japan.
Phantasy Star Online…I would be surprised if this game came to the US before 2000’s end, let alone Europe. Remember that this is an RPG, so a lot of things need to be converted before domestic release. And considering that it’s not out in Japan yet, a 2000 domestic release is out of the question unless they hurry. However, since this game will be able to let you play with a friend over the DC Network, the impact should be huge, in Japan, the US, and in Europe.
It’s been said that a sequel to SA is in beta. I do believe that. However, I feel that if this isn’t released by Christmas 2000 domestically, there might not be a holiday hit for Sega (assuming, of course, that Shenmue has already been released before November 2000). When this is released, the impact should be moderately large, especially if SA 2 is pushing more polygons than Soul Calibur, and maybe Shenmue (imagine if we had SA 2 like that…). However, SA 2 should be able to take advantage of the DC Network, more than the original does.
And what about that supposed compilation in development? Well, if it has Sonic CD with the Japanese music, it’s sure to be huge in the States and Europe. But even if it doesn’t, and instead brings back the original Sonic hits we love with added goodies, either in 2D or 3D, the impact should be on a positive note worldwide. But when would be see it? It depends. If the games are straight 2D conversions, something which I don’t mind, and I actually prefer a bit, I think Japan would see it in the Summer of 2000, then the US in the late Summer, and Europe in the Fall.
That’s about it. Will any of these come true? Probably not. 🙂 But one can dream, can’t he?