A Word of Inspiration from JD Harding
JD Harding of the Sonic Corner took some time Saturday morning to say A) He is not a Web God, B) He’s actually a normal guy (though you’d never be able to tell by reading the first paragraph), and C) He started at the bottom, just like the rest of us.
This isn’t exactly an update, but more of just something fun I thought I’d do. I visit TSSZ a lot (Thanks for the plug, I suppose -Tristan), and looking through Tristan’s news, I found a lot of news about TSC. Then I found a lot of old “Simplenet Vs. MP3” stuff that I said on my message board a LOOOONG time ago. I then realized anything sufficient I say here will probably go in TSSZ’s news. So, I’m shutting down The Sonic Corner! Whoo! Hehe. Nono, don’t have a heart attack. *lol* I’m not shutting it down. It’s late, and I’m being weird. This shows a side of JD Harding not many have seen. I’m supposedly this ‘cool, notable composer/website designer that is like.. A net god, or something. *lol* I’m not. Far from it, actually. I’m a very normal guy. I do what I do ’cause it’s fun and I enjoy it.
It’s not a matter of being good at it or not, because everyone starts somewhere, and I started at the bottom. I’ve been writing HTML for *counts on his fingers* 1, 2.. 5.. 6 years now. The first time I wrote it, wow. I stunk. Anyway, I’ve been making music for 3 years now. I stunk at that at first too, but I became better through time. What I’m trying to say is that what got me started was the knowing that I can do it, and that gave me the motivation to do it. So to everyone who has sent me mail saying they could never do what I’ve done, or to people who think they can’t do it, why not tell yourself you can? Just go for it. Don’t say you suck at something you tried one time and failed. If I did that, there would be no Sonic Corner, or Crystal Dreams, or JD Harding the composer slash website designer. There would be JD Harding the failure. It just goes to show that believing in yourself is the most important thing one can achieve. Forget everything else you’ve been taught. Believe in yourself and you can do anything, just like Sonic. 😉
The only reason I decided to put this up is to give you fans out there that want to start a Sonic website some motivation to do it, and also to see how JD will react to his latest words of wisdom showing up on my news page. 🙂 (I’ve had a crazy weekend as well…)