Report: Jacques Fronting ASR Soundtrack
SEGA-centered humor site UK:Resistance isn’t well known for breaking the big stories, but this one appears legitimate. The website is reporting in its typical snarky style that Richard Jacques will play a role in composing the soundtrack for the upcoming multiplatform release of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing.
If it pans out, the duties will allow Jacques to come full circle between his work and Sonic racing. You may remember that he headed the soundtrack to Sonic R in 1997, and composed fan favourite Super Sonic Racing, which has been heard and updated intermittently in some titles and soundtracks that have since followed.
TSSZ News is your source for all the latest developments surrounding Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing.
Our team of reporters will keep you up to speed leading up to the game’s launch early next year.
This was originally posted on TSSZ News.