Preview: Sonic Comics For March/April
Arcade Sushi has five-page previews and plot summaries for the upcoming Sonic comics for March and April, where Archie is beginning to hype up the Worlds Unite saga. You can see the plot summaries below.
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Ryan Jampole, Jennifer Hernandez, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Tracy Yardley and Matt Herms
BOOM-CREW Variant cover art provided by Sega
What…What is that sound? No, really—what on earth is that noise? Waitaminute… is that the sound of go-karts??? IT… IT—IS! LET THE RACE BEGIN IN “EVERYBODY’S SUPER SONIC RACING” PART ONE! (IS THE CAPS LOCK STILL ON, OH WAITAMINUTE, there we go. Much better.) When Dr. Eggman sponsors a go-kart race around Sonic’s Island home, you know that dude is up to no good. The rules are as follows: no special powers, no weapons, and everyone has to drive a kart to keep things fair. Since when does Eggy care about “fair”? What will happen to throw this race into a SPIN? How many rhetorical questions can we ask in one paragraph of solicit text?? Find out in this hyperbole-packed issue! Featuring cover art from Sonic comic extraordinaire Tracy Yardley, plus a new BOOM-Crew Sega art variant!
On Sale Date: 4/1
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Lamar Wells, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Ben Bates
As Archie Action Comics races toward the WORLDS UNITE crossover event, prepare yourself with an all-new prequel tale: THE GENESIS PORTAL! When a strange energy signature appears on Sonic’s shattered world, what could it mean for our heroes and their fight to save the planet? And what ominous implications will this have for the WORLDS UNITE event? Featuring new story and art from the superstar Archie Sonic team! The SONIC SUPER SPECIAL MAGAZINE gives you the world of Sonic the Hedgehog comics as you’ve never seen it before, with tons of comic stories, special features and exclusive articles on the latest and greatest in the world of everyone’s favorite blue hedgehog-hero! This issue also features a special encore selection from the history-making “WORLDS COLLIDE” storyline, and much, much more! All this plus the extra features you love, an interview with Sonic newcomer Diana Skelly AND a super special shiny foil-enhanced cover featuring art by Sonic comic superstar Ben Bates!
On Sale Date: 3/11
128-page, full color comic
$9.99 U.S.

Script: Ian Flynn, Aleah Baker
Art: Jennifer Hernandez, Tracy Yardley, Ryan Jampole, Evan Stanley, Terry Austin, John Workman, Matt Herms and Gabriel Cassata
Cover: Ben Bates
The new Sonic comic universe is here! Moving at the speed of sound, keeping the world free from robotic tyranny—it’s SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! One of the oldest, most beloved video game icons speeds into brand new comic book stories with new friends, new foes and new adventures! In this volume of this new graphic novel series, Sonic is on the hunt for the seven Gaia Temples. Only their mysterious power can restore his world to normal! His quest takes him to places he’s never been before—such as the bottom of the ocean! Join Sonic, Amy and Rotor as they encounter a whole new undersea world full of new friends, foes and monsters from the deep! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3: WAVES OF CHANGE collects SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #260-263.
6 5/8 x 10 3/16”
104 pp, Full Color
Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/8
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Diana Skelly, Terry Austin, John Workman and Gabriel Cassata
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin and Ben Hunzeker
Arcade Variant: RAFA KNIGHT
Grab a front row seat for the finale to the brawl-iest, punch-iest, contest-iest Sonic comic saga yet! “Champions” Part Four: It’s the battle you’ve all been waiting for (again!): Sonic versus Knuckles—for the title and the Chaos Emerald! The old rivalry blazes to life as the True Blue and Rad Red throw down for glory—and for the fate of the entire world! But with the vengeful Hooligans waiting in the shadows, and Metal Sonic en route, will they even get to finish their fight, or will their foes beat them to the punch? Featuring new cover art from Sonic art legend Tracy Yardley and a super-special new ARCADE VARIANT by the latest Sonic art superstar RAFA KNIGHT!
Ship Date: 3/25
On Sale Date: 4/8
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

Script: Aleah Baker
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash and Ben Hunzeker
TAILS Variant cover art provided by SEGA
The final showdown for the fate of the digital realm is HERE! “Spark of Life” Part Four: It’s pandemonium aplenty in this conclusion to the stunning “Spark of Life” story arc! Who, or what, is Phage? Introductions aren’t necessary—she’s creating havoc for our heroes anyway! Tails and Big—menaced by badniks and Dark Gaia Monsters alike! A Chaos Emerald—about to fall into enemy hands! Nicole—on the brink of deletion! Will Sally sacrifice it all to save her friends and the world? Only the dramatic conclusion to SPARK OF LIFE can tell! Featuring cover art from Sonic comic artist extraordinaire Tracy Yardley, and a special SEGA-art TAILS variant cover!
Ship Date: 3/4
On Sale Date: 3/18
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Dat Honey render is lovely
Super-pumped for all this junk.
I wonder if they’ll actually stop pushing the graphic novels back every time they’re almost ready to be released.
So, what’s the true color of Honey the Cat’s muzzle?!…
I hope the Archie Sonic cast are part of this crossover, does anyone have any idea if they are?
I obviously can’t say for sure– but i’m pretty darn confident that they won’t be included, much like the first time. The first crossover strictly used the main SEGA/Sonic Team characters of the games. I’m sure that it will be the same case for “Worlds Unite”.
I guess we’ll just have to wait, and see.
New Sonic fighting game please?
If Sonic Team is planning to release the next Sonic in the 25 anniversary they should fill next year void with a cool spin-off game like this, or another racer by Sumo Digital.
Please a fighter, nothing against, I’m just kinda tired of just only kart racers as the console spin-offs. I need a spin off Sonic game that actually has the full Sonic cast in it and isn’t an iOS only game. Just mash Sonic the Fighters and Sonic Battle together to make a fighting game that not only still feels like Sonic, but also has influence from a previous SEGA fighter. (since Sonic the Fighters was based of Virtua Fighter)
Agreed! Personally I’m more of a figthing games freak than anything and I would absolutely love a new Sonic fighting game, hopefully with a more complex gameplay and an interesting and deep (but optional) story mode, similar to BlazBlue, that game rocks!
But about a new racing game by Digital Sumo, I would prefer if their next game is a Sonic racing game by foot, I mean they already mastered the cars, boats and planes racing, now let’s see how they do with an on foot super powered racing game, with more powers, personalized attacks and abilities per character and incredible scenarios, I picture something like a Sonic Unleashed/Generations kind of gameplay adapted to multiplayer with several characters at the same time, it would be just as crazy as it is cool.
Actually, while Sonic the Fighters has the Virtua Fighter elements. It’s actually based on Fighting Vipers with modified mechanics. Some of the characters have moves based on Fighting Vipers characters. Sonic for example has Grace’s rapid punches and Bark having Sanman’s bowling ball throw.
Would be cool to see Archie to turn Bahn into a Japanese Bancho Dog. lol
Not to mention Honey/Candy being, well, Honey but a cat.
If they did make Bahn a Hedgehog, I see it ending up somewhat like this:
Dude. You sold me at Sonic + BlazBlue.
Sonic vs Knuckles AW YEAH shame it’s not Super vs Hyper I’d love to see a sequel to that