All IDW Series Production Temporarily Suspended, Including Sonic
One of the writer/artists behind another IDW series has told TSSZ the publisher has temporarily halted production on all series under its fold, including Sonic, as uncertainty about the economic evolution of the coronavirus outbreak continues.
Sophie Campbell of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles clarified last night to TSSZ comments originally picked up Friday in Newsarama, which implied that series was getting shelved after issue #105. Campbell told TSSZ that wasn’t the case:
We asked Campbell if she believed the temporary halt was applied to all IDW series, not just hers:
Indeed, to varying degrees of severity, the comic industry in whole has screeched to a halt as state stay-at-home orders have forced the shutdown of comic book stores across the United States, with no timetable for reopening. For several big publishers like Marvel and DC, that has meant suspending digital as well as physical sales in an effort to ensure physical retailers make it on the other side of the pandemic.
Though not officially announced, IDW Sonic editor David Mariotte did say in response to a question Friday on the members-only IDW Sonic Facebook group that “comics will still be printed and released digitally at the same time.”
As TMNT has monthly circulation double that of Sonic, according to recent statistics compiled by Comichron, any permanent shutdown of the former, though potentially attributable to a litany of factors, would have signaled imminent danger for the future of the IDW Sonic series. The series, now just over two years old, had been plagued by production delays before the pandemic.
As it stands, the halt should not have an impact on Sonic #28 later this month or the 2020 Annual in early May – though whether comic book retailers will open again to sell the title remains in doubt. Beyond that is in question. Issues 29 and 30 had already been delayed as a result of IDW electing to push back releases intended for May. The suspension of comics distribution by Diamond warranted that change.
Other than Mariotte, no active member directly involved with IDW Sonic’s production has since commented on the current and future state of the Sonic comics in relation to the current pandemic.
This story was originally posted on TSSZ News.